Featured Artists

We are proud to have a several artists join us and help make the Trojan Horse a highly multi-disciplinary spectacle at Burning Man 2011!

Meet Our Collaborating Artists

Jordan Betten achieved fame first for clothing the rich and famous in outrageously beautiful, original, and expensive skins and furs. In the last five years, he has also turned to painting and sculpture, and quickly gained acclaim. Jordan will be creating a 2,500 square foot painting depicting Trojan War scenes as part of the Trojan Horse Project.

Betten Art | Lost Art | Video 1 Video 2

Wayne Labat and Lisa Ratner are circus acrobats and aerialists who will perform daily Monday through Thursday and Friday night after the procession. Acrobatics (high walking in Greek) originated in Greece more than 3,000 years ago (see Mary’s Musings).


Zor – Fyre God, portrayed by Karl Wood, is the most captivating fire performer we have ever seen. He will display his matchless talents evenings at the Trojan Horse and play an incendiary role in its demise Friday night.

fyregod.com | Video

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